Ambition = Aggression

Some people are terrorized by their egos, but I’m terrorized by my ambition. My ambition has always been extremely strong and I’ve struggled with how to release that energy as an adult. When I was a little girl it was easy to find a release. I had school to serve as the go to…. School is setup to provide constant feedback on how well you’re doing and if you’re accelerating at (what then would be considered) life. Now that I’m grown I haven’t always been able to scratch that ambitious itch.

It’s been really difficult to adjust to not having something to focus my energy into; and being able to really control the outcome rather instantly. I try to do other things, but they never seem to calm me. It’s hard to focus because my mind is always racing and I get bored all the time. I know I’ll have to find something that will allow me to have that release of achievement, and also provide me the opportunity to do what I love (communicate).

Please send help!!!

My ambition has really taking over, and it’s making me aggressive because I don’t know how to focus it.

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