Developing Spiritually

I started this page a long time ago and I have written many posts that were never published. A part of me kind of wish I would have posted everything I wrote. Only about 5%-10% were published. I think it would’ve been extremely dope to see how much my opinions an overall approach has changed over the years.

I’m 27 now and I have a desire to develop spiritually. I’m not sure where this will take me, but I feel damn good about it. I’m trying to stop using so much profanity, I think it provokes me to be more aggressive in an unhealthy way.

I obviously never been extremely good at actually utilizing this account. I’m hoping I can keep up and share my experience with everyone. I’m currently in a place where my ego no longer serves me and I need to replace my mentality into something more mature for a woman approaching her thirties. I’ve added a layer of sophistication and I want to make sure I embody my growth.

Now is the time for a little solitude and self discovery…. Class is in Session.